- Publisher: Wildnerness Adventures Press
- Available in: Paperback, Kindle
- Published: February 1, 2009
The definitive guidebook of the best saltwater fishing in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey. The interest in saltwater fishing is growing, and the Flyfisher’s Guide to the Northeast Coast gives you all the information you need for success. Nationally known flyfishing author, Phil Shook, covers every aspect of saltwater flyfishing the Atlantic Coast: the fish, the flies, the tactics, and the best seasons. Phil interviewed a number of skilled guides and outfitters along the coast and shares their secrets and tips on successful saltwater fishing in their areas. Phil covers the entire coastline with detailed information on each specific area in each state. He covers the fly shops, outfitters, marinas, charter captains, accommodations, flies, tactics, driving directions, and much more. There are 60 detailed maps showing every bay, cove, harbor, reef, island, park, marina, and boat launch. There are also seasonal fishing charts showing the peak seasons for each species of fish. This 576-page book is a must book for anyone who fishes the Northeast Coast.